Sexual Health & Wellness Therapy

In addition to helping the people of Austin with mood disorders, I specialize in sex therapy with a particular focus on queer, identity, kink and consent. I am passionate about reducing shame and stigma in all aspects of a person’s sexuality. We come from all walks of life. No topic is unspeakable or unthinkable. Honest conversation with an objective and knowledgeable professional, without agenda or coercion, provides space to explore who you are, what you want, and how to safely achieve it.

+ What is Sex Therapy (ST) or Sexology?

Sexology is the study of human sexual life and relationships and sexology is a term used to describe psychosexual and relationship therapy, while also taking into account possible physical problems that may be causing dysfunctions or disorders.

Sexual health is an essential part of overall emotional and physical well-being. But for many it’s the last thing they probably want to do is talk about it. So, if embarrassment or shame is keeping you from seeking help, know this: 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men report some degree of sexual dysfunction. The DSM 5 (latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) explicitly recognizes that people sometimes have a need for sexuality education, counseling, and therapy even when there is nothing “wrong” with them. Sex focused therapy (ST) supports work that doesn’t just remediate sexual dysfunction but improves sexual health. ST can address concerns about sexual function, sexual feelings and intimacy, and is designed to get to the bottom of sexual issues and reverse them. It can help people understand and accept themselves as sexual beings and meet their sexual goals. ST is effective for individuals of any age, gender or sexualality.

+ How can ST help?

Our sexual lives are one of the most important aspects to a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. As a basic human need, intimacy is truly a desire we all wish to have in our lives. Through therapy, we can work on finding that intimacy or work on rediscovering intimacy that may have been lost. I am inherently sex-positive and maintain a broad perspective by taking factors such as biological, psychological, sociological, into consideration when addressing sexual issues.

+ Why do people see a sex therapist?

There is a great deal to understand about sexuality in anyone. For some, it's very easy to express themselves sexually, and their sexuality is pretty straightforward. For others, it's very difficult to do so. Sexual problems can cause a lot of distress and unhappiness. Working with a sex therapist can help people with various sexual concerns. These concerns could be the result of a physical problem or the result of something psychological. It's possible that thoughts or beliefs about sex while growing up have altered the way someone thinks and feels about their sexulaity even as they grow into adulthood. A specific situation or unwanted sexual experience at any age could also change the way that someone thinks or feels about this deeply personal aspect of themselves. The trauma of having been sexually abused is one of the most soul damaging and self depleting aspects that can happen to a person. Through the use of compassionate tools and the teaching of coping skills, I can help survivors heal and move boldly forward on their journey.

Many people experience concern about their sexual orientation or their desire and arousal. Some may have compulsive behaviors related to sex, or may just act impulsively. Some have erectile dysfunction concerns or trouble with arousal or pain during intercourse. Some may have very low libido, could be asexual, and lack desire or arousal. In other cases, sexual function is affected by chronic illness, medication side effects, surgery or aging. Keep in mind that concerns about sex and intimacy are often linked to other underlying issues, such as stress, anxiety or depression. Intimacy

  • Relationship complexities
  • Body Image
  • Mutiracial & Multicultural

Any of these kinds of situations can be addressed with sex therapy. There is really no “normal” way to be sexual, and with sex therapy, you can learn more about your normal way.

+ How is sex therapy different from regular therapy?

Sex therapy addresses concerns about sexual function, sexual feelings and intimacy, and is designed to get to the bottom of sexual issues and reverse them. It can help people understand and accept themselves as sexual beings and meet their sexual goals. Sex therapy can be effective for individuals of any age, gender or sexual.

+ What can you expect from sex therapy?

You can expect me to ally with you to explore your sexuality and support growth by helping you to identify your sexual goals and by offering education, resources, tools and techniques to help you meet those goals and ultimately manage your own sexual growth. The sex therapy process entails the following:

  1. It’s important to know that sex therapy sessions do not involve any physical contact or sexual activity among clients and therapists, at anytime, ever!
  2. Helping clients to identify where they are, and where they want to be when they finish their work with me.
  3. Helping clients to identify the factors that allow them to feel safe, and those that prevent them from meeting their sexual goals.
  4. Assigning “homework” by designing and suggesting exercises and practical activities that clients will complete in the privacy of their own home which will help them to progressively expand their sexual comfort zones until they reach their goals.

+ Do you have any sex positive reading recommendations?

Yes, I do! Check out this list of resources.

+ What does a Kink Conscious Certified Therapist do?

Sexuality is a spectrum. We all have our different attractions, curiosities and fetishes. Understanding your own sexuality is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. I also support people who want to release shame or judgement about their kinks or fetishes, and expand their knowledge. I am inherently nonjudgmental, which means that I do not have any preconceptions of what a client’s sexuality “should” look like. I am competent and affirming of ALL relationship orientations and alternative sexualities, including: consensual non-monogamy, polyamory, open arrangements, swingers, kink, fetishes, and BDSM.

Trusting and connecting with a therapist is of most importance in the therapeutic relationship. Clients have shared that I always come from an authentic, empathetic, compassionate and nonjudgmental place while offering a safe and nurturing space for them to explore and grow. So, contrary to what some believe, there’s nothing strange, deviant, or kinky going on behind the door of my office.

Start your Fearless Journey today.