When deciding to start therapy, it might feel difficult to know where to start. We’ve shared some common questions others have had to support you in learning more about the therapy process and Fearless Journey Coaching and Therapy.

If your questions aren't answered or you just prefer to talk, please feel free to contact me at (210) 704-7211 or email me at contact@fearlessjourneytherapy.com.

+ What should I do first to start this process?

I recommend starting with a free 20-minute phone consultation to get a feel for my personality and energy to ensure we can ally together, then we will schedule your first appointment. You will fill out forms prior to the appointment, which will provide me with your contact information, history, and other important information.

+ What can I expect in the first therapy session?

Immediately following scheduling your first therapy session I will email documents for you to complete and return 24 hours prior to your first session. You will fill out forms prior to the appointment, which will provide me with your contact information, history, and other important information.

+ What benefits can I expect from therapy?

Here are just a few of the ways going to therapy can boost your motivation, self-esteem, and the overall state of your mental health.

  • Overcome harmful behaviors Therapists help you identify negative thought patterns and destructive behaviors, then teach you strategies to avoid them. This is particularly beneficial to people who are struggling with self-harm, eating disorders, or suicidal thoughts.

  • Identify triggers Many times, your negative behaviors are set off by triggers, or external circumstances that provoke unpleasant emotions or feelings. In therapy, you’ll learn to notice when you’re triggered and create strategies for controlling your response.

  • Learn healthy coping mechanisms When faced with stressful situations, you may react in a way that’s ineffective or even dangerous. Replacing those reactions with healthy, positive coping mechanisms can help you manage your emotions and stay productive.

  • Heal broken relationships Healthy interpersonal relationships are crucial to your mental health; when they suffer, you suffer. Learn to improve communication and resolve conflicts constructively through therapy, and your relationships with your friends and family may grow stronger.

  • Feel physically healthier Studies show that people who engage in psychotherapy end up taking fewer sick days and encountering fewer medical problems. Scientists have also identified positive changes in the brain and body as a result of therapy.

  • Improve self-reliance Psychotherapy helps you develop problem-solving skills, build your confidence, and become more self-aware. This encourages you to take personal responsibility for your actions and learn to manage your mental health issues, now and for the rest of your life.

+ Can I use my health insurance policy?

We do not process insurance in our office. Please consult with your insurance provider to learn more about your out-of-network reimbursement rates. If you decide to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, we will provide you with the paperwork that is needed.

+ How can I find out more about reimbursement from my insurance?

Although I do not directly bill your insurance company, you may be reimbursed for part of the fee if you have a PPO that provides for “out of network” coverage. As a licensed professional counselor, I will provide you with a receipt with the necessary information to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. If you meet the criterion of your insurance company, you may be reimbursed for part of the fee.

It is your decision whether to submit your claim(s) for mental health coverage. Please understand that disclosure of confidential information may be required by your insurance company to process your claims. Submitting the receipt that I provide you for reimbursement can entail some risk to confidentiality, privacy, or future eligibility to obtain health or life insurance. Therefore it is important for each individual, couple, or family to make an informed decision regarding future reimbursement.

Some clients decide to pay out of pocket, and others decide to pursue the matter to get more information.

Here are some questions you may want to ask your provider. I always recommend taking good notes with the date and the name of the person who was answering your questions.

  • What is your name and extension number?
  • Am I eligible to submit a claim for reimbursement myself rather than the provider submitting the claim?
  • Do I need pre-authorization in order to be reimbursed?
  • What is the rate of the reimbursement?
  • What is the rate of reimbursement for a “non-preferred” or “out of network” provider?
  • Is there a ” usual and customary fee” that is reimbursed? What is that specific fee?
  • How much can I expect to be reimbursed per visit with an “out of network” provider?
  • Is my reimbursed rate only for specific procedure codes or CPT?
  • What procedure codes in my plan are not reimbursed?
  • Does reimbursement require a DSM V diagnostic code?
  • What specific DSM V codes are not reimbursable?

In researching this topic, I find that licensed Marriage and Family Therapists often have strong beliefs on whether clients should submit claims or pay out of pocket.

My belief is that each individual, couple, and family may have different needs, access to resources, and/or financial concerns that should be taken into consideration before making an informed decision.

+ How long does the therapy process take?

The length of treatment depends on your needs, expectations, and your goals. Some clients attend therapy for a short period of time, while others choose to attend for several months, or longer, depending on their own needs and requirements. I usually recommend one time per week to start, then move to every other week, and then as needed. I always welcome clients back for a tune-up if and when the need arises.

+ Can I stop therapy at any time?

You may always stop treatment at any time for any reason. My clients appreciate my flexibility and my respect for the fact that you are an adult and have the freedom to make choices regarding your ADD/ADHD treatment. You are always welcome to return at any time in the future if your ADD symptoms become overwhelming or negatively affecting your quality of life.

+ What is your cancellation policy?

Appointments that need to be rescheduled must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise full rate will be charged

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