Life Coaching

As your coach, I help you develop and implement an action plan according to your specific needs, goals, and vision. I work with people in the Austin area who may be struggling with defining goals, identifying strengths, formulating a plan and following through. The role of any coach is to provide structure, provide encouragement and support, and hold the client accountable for progress once the goals have been defined.  Clients may seek life coaching to help with career transitions, parenting, divorce, relocating, relationships, dating, getting unstuck and identifying unhealthy patterns of behavior.  They do not necessarily need to be struggling with mental health issues

+ What can I expect?

You can expect to identify your strengths as well as your core values. In addition, you will identify the negative self talk, mindset and belief systems that may be standing in your way. Life Coaching may help increase your confidence and self esteem, which increases your ability to deal with your relationship or career problems. We will design a customized road map with step by step objectives and strategies to move you forward. When you do encounter an obstacle or detour, we will discuss alternative strategies and coping skills to keep you on track. You can also expect feedback, encouragement, support and accountability while you are learning new habits and skills. If you’re ready to make the leap to a new job or profession, coaching can give you the confidence to do so.

+ What Are The Benefits of Life Coaching?

You will learn more about yourself, your strengths, your limitations and how to define and accomplish your goals. You will identify why and where you may be stuck, and more importantly, how to get unstuck. Life coaching empowers you to reach your professional and personal goals. Life Coaching allows you to work one on one with me in a way that best supports your needs and goals to create a healthier, more fulfilling life. The coaching relationship is a collaborative partnership, and the personalized plan we create will be designed to fit you and your busy life.

Components of Coaching

Character Strengths Coaching

Enneagram Personality Profile and Coaching

Heart Math Coherence Integration

Functional Medicine Coaching

Mindfulness and Positive Psychology

“Fierceness and fearlessness chase down your heart's authentic desires, then unleash them onto the world, and you will unearth true freedom and fulfillment.”


Start your Fearless Journey today.